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信息来源: | 发布日期: 2013-01-25 09:53:07 | 浏览量:1175750




heyl & patterson的话题发表了一份白皮书,“木材生物量,烘焙的”,这是在东北生物质2011年10月12日至13日在匹兹堡会议上介绍。这种新的白皮书是我们继续努力向我们的客户对我们的产品线和应用程序,他们可以利用的一部分。白皮书的renneburg荃湾分区热加工买球票的app的解决方案的一部分,象征着蓝色的配色方案。

本白皮书讨论的的烘焙过程和旋转煅烧炉用于torrefy木,以及heyl & patterson的烘焙技术的优势。还深入研究了烘焙木的用途和好处,并使用它作为生物煤的原因。

作者简介:基督教restifo是heyl & patterson的renneburg部的应用工程师。彼持有科学卡内基·梅隆大学的化学工程学士学位和工商管理硕士学位债务工具中央结算系统的泰珀商学院,以及研究生证书有害物质管理从印地安那大学伯明顿分校。大卫·菲利普斯heyl和帕特森是一个市场营销^。他在通信号角宾夕法尼亚大学的科学学士学位和硕士学位点园大学新闻与大众传播学学士学位。

torrefaction is the thermochemical process in which the moisture content of wood biomass is reduced while its energy density is increased, transforming it into a charred material resembling charcoal. torrefaction can reduce the mass of the wood by up to 30%, resulting in a denser, higher-valued material that can be transported more economically than wood chips. this energy-dense end product can be used as a replacement for coal or co-fired with coal in electric power plants.

heyl & patterson has published a white paper on the topic, "torrefaction of wood biomass," which was introduced at the northeast biomass conference in pittsburgh on october 12-13, 2011. this new white paper is part of our continuing efforts to update our customers on our product lines and applications with which they may be utilized. as part of the renneburg divison for thermal processing solutions, the white paper is signified by its blue color scheme.

this white paper discusses the torrefaction process and the rotary calciners used to torrefy wood, as well as the advantages of heyl & patterson's torrefaction technology. it also delves into the uses for and benefits of torrefied wood, and the reasons to use it as bio-coal.

about the authors: christian restifo is an application engineer with the renneburg division of heyl & patterson. he holds a bachelor of science degree in chemical engineering from carnegie mellon university and a master's degree in business administration from cmu's tepper school of business, as well as a graduate certificate in hazardous materials management from indiana university bloomington. david phillips is a marketing specialist with heyl & patterson. he holds a bachelor of science degree in communication from clarion university of pennsylvania and a master's degree in journalism and mass communication from point park university.

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