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信息来源: | 发布日期: 2012-12-18 00:00:00 | 浏览量:1150637


译文:背景和历史 公司历史 多年来,buss-sms-canzler公司一直处于世界^地位的薄膜蒸发,干燥和高粘度的技术。我们的专长是技术的基础上开发的房子和技术从洛瓦ag获取。

历史视野 作为一家公司,巴斯-sms-canzler可以追溯到samesreuther&co。gmbh公司成立于1919年,从1950年起,有专门的热制程技术。 sms是samesreuther&co。gmbh公司,位于butzbach和穆勒 - 舒斯公司,齐根之间的合并在1964年。 洛瓦ag,瑞士苏黎世,1972年,位于butzbach业务被收购,从而引发洛瓦短信,终于,瑞士,布斯公司,pratteln的收购于1983年,公司名称变更时,巴斯sms gmbh公司工艺技术。 在1998年,其总部设在位于butzbach,德国和分支办公室在pratteln巴斯短信,瑞士被出售upe欧洲(控股)有限公司,通用过程设备公司(upe),罗斯福,nj,usa100%的女儿。 在2003年2月的buss-sms管理公司接手通用过程设备公司 2003年11月巴斯sms gmbh公司工艺技术接管业务部门的热分离技术和膜分离技术从canzler公司,迪伦。为了证明公众的积极整合,公司名称已改为巴斯-sms-canzler公司。 被合并的名义下buss-sms-canzler热分离技术领域的所有活动中,依靠超过50年的公司洛瓦,sms,buss和canzler积累的经验。

原文:background and history history of the company for many years buss-sms-canzler gmbh has been a world leader in thin film evaporation, drying and high viscosity technology. our expertise is based on technologies developed in-house and technologies acquired from luwa ag.

historical view as a company buss-sms-canzler can be traced back to samesreuther & co. gmbh founded in 1919, which from the 1950's onwards has specialized in thermal process technologies. sms was the result of a merger between samesreuther & co. gmbh, butzbach and müller-schuss gmbh, siegen in 1964. in 1972 the butzbach business was acquired by luwa ag, zurich, switzerland, giving rise to luwa sms, which was finally acquired by buss ag, pratteln, switzerland, in 1983, when the company name changed to buss-sms gmbh verfahrenstechnik. in 1998, buss-sms with its headquarters in butzbach, germany and a branch office in pratteln, switzerland was sold to upe europe holding gmbh, a 100% daughter of universal process equipment, inc. (upe), roosevelt, nj, usa. in february 2003 the management of buss-sms took over the company from universal process equipment inc. in november 2003 buss-sms gmbh verfahrenstechnik takes over the business divisions thermal separation technology and membrane technology from canzler gmbh, düren. in order to demonstrate the positive integration to the public, the name of the company has been changed into buss-sms-canzler gmbh. all activities in the field of thermal separation technologies which were merged under the name buss-sms-canzler, rely on over 50 years of experience accumulated by the companies luwa, sms, buss and canzler.



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